Blog #13


During my second week of field experience I have noticed a lot more than my first week. I see a different class every week so i got to see new kids this week than i did last week.

Learning Experiences:

This week I got the chance to lead them more this week than did last week and it was fun to do so. I learned a few things very quickly of somethings that do work and mainly some stuff that doesn’t work. Also trying to learn their names is extremely hard so it makes it hard to call on students and do that when i don’t really know their names.


On Friday right before i left Coach Mincel and i got to talking about how great teaching is and how you get to be with new kids every year and how after a while once you’ve had a kid in your class for 4 or 5 year that they start to change you just as much as you change them and how meaningful it is to see the kids grow up and be a part of their lives and how special that is.

Stories to Share:

On Wednesday  while i was there for the morning class, i got to see the morning meeting they have most days and Coach Mincel’s daughter was the one that got to do the special greeting that kids can join a drawing to see who gets to do it in the mornings.

Blog #12


For field experience I am helping out at Oak Pointe Elementary School in Coach Mincel’s class.Coach Mincel teaching PE and for the time that i am there, he has first graders. The fourth grader leave at 10:05 so when i get there early i get to see the end of the fourth graders class. The class are very relaxing and usually about 20 people in each class.

Learning Experiences:

On the second day of field experience, Coach Mincel had an issue with one of his students which i thought was odd for an Elementary School. Coach Mincel handled it differently than the teachers in High School which was cool to see that side of it and see how it is different for students of different ages.


I am extremely excited to begin my field experience. Coach Mincel is an awesome teacher and is a ton of fun and so far i have had a great time working with him. I have thought about being a PE coach so this is going to be fun to see if it really is what i want to do.

Stories to Share:

On Thursday, the kids were playing dance dance revolution at the end of class because we had extra time after we finished everything and all the kids were wanting me to play with them. And naturally i did because i am an amazing dancer and because it seemed like a lot of fun and all the kids were having fun watch me attend to dance and it was just a lot of fun.

Blog 11

Read Alouds: 

None to speak of, once again.

Learning Experiences:

After the first week of model lessons in which i was about to take part in, I have learned about more about the teaching process and how difficult it is. For example, engaging students for the entirety of a lesson might not seem that difficult especially for high schooler but thats completely wrong. Engaging students might be one of the hardest things to do for a lesson and you really can’t control it so you just have to work with what you are given. And that is a key part in teaching, you won’t always have something go 100% right but you still have to continue like nothing happens.

Current Event:

One current issue in education that is bringing up a lot of heat are school lunches. This article is talking about how school lunches are a vital part of school and how making the right food for students and making sure they eat is very import. no one can learn when they are hungry.

Quote of the Week:

They say that we are better educated than our parents’ generation. What they mean is that we go to school longer. It is not the same thing. ~Richard Yates

I chose this quote because I think it’s important for teachers to play the role of the facilitator rather than the giver. If a teacher constantly just gives out information, then the student isn’t engaging in what they’re being taught which is crucial to the learning process as a whole.


Over the past two weeks, I have observed the similarities between the model lessons we’ve been doing in class and the actual lessons my teachers present in other classes. They always have an objective, a process, and a form of assessment. Usually, the assessment comes in the form of a worksheet.


I was not pleased with how my lesson went. I think i should have don’t a lot better and I’m ready for another chance with a different lesson to try to prove that i am a better teacher than what i proved to myself on that one lesson. Im always ready to be in the field and be with my new class.!!!

Blog #10


There were none to speak of..

Learning Experiences:

Learning more about Theme III and with that we have started our Lesson Plans. We are working in pairs and my group member is Peyton. We have been looking at the Say May Fay packets for ideas on what to teach. Mrs. Jackson has been teaching us how to organize each lesson and has been giving us advice for teaching our first lesson. We now have to get all the materials we need for our lesson.

Current Events:

I enjoy reading and learning about the AP computer science with is my major in high school and i found an article about how women are rising in the field on computer science.  This article talks about how african americans and hispanics along with women are on a rise in the field.

Quote of the Week:

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
Brigham Young

To me, this quote really shows the importance of education and of teachers. Education has the power to make the world a much better place and it is teachers who provide this.


This Friday we had our observation day field trip. During this time we visited the six Teacher Cadet feeder schools to help us decide which school and what age group we are interested in using for our field experience. Doing this field trip really helped to reinforce my desire to go into physical education at Oak Pointe Elementary School. And the children at Oak Pointe were so smart. It was kinda insane.


On the field trip this Friday I was so inspired by the students in some of the schools we visited. The fourth graders at Oak Pointe were incredibly smart and also the Fifth graders at Ballentine and it was nice to see how younger generations getting smarter and smarter.

Blog #9

Read Alouds

1.  Teaching With Fire by a collection of authors is a book of poems all about teaching and everything that has to do with it. This collection also motivates teachers and tells them about why teaching is so important.

2. Once Upon An Ordinary School Day by Colin McNaughton is a children’s book about a boy who has his first day of school everyday and how doing the same thing everyday is not always a good thing. Then when a new teacher arrives his entire world is different and it is how that child now sees why learning is so important and how excited he is to learn.

Learning Experiences

These past few weeks in Teacher Cadets we have been switching from the learning phase to the teaching phase of learning in class. We have looked at Bloom’s Taxonomy and how each student learns differently and how asking questions can lead to learning more and understanding more. We watched an Andy Griffith Show and we talked about how that show related to what we were learning in class. It was about how parents should support teachers and not say the opposite and disregard what the teacher is teaching.

Current Event

The price of college is raising and it is getting harder for people to pay for their children to get the education that they need to be successful in life. Research shows that the odds are much higher of a higher income households and they are a lot lower for children of lower income households.

Quote of the Week

“I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann” This quote is meaningful because it is true that teachers should provide more for students other than teaching them the material they are paid to teach.


I have observed that I learn a lot better when i ask questions to get to answers rather than just being handed the answers and i think alot of students would feel that same way.


As we get closer to being able to go to school and teach students, we are prepping by Mrs. Jackson starting to teacher us important stuff about teaching and i am getting very excited about being able to go to school.

Blog 8:


The past two weeks have been very busy for us in Teacher Cadet class as we having been getting ready for the holidays. On last Friday we all worked together in class to wrap the presents we got for our family as a part of our Families Helping Families project. This was a fun time for us all to bond over something as great as giving to those in need. This past week we had our large holiday party in class and Mrs. Jackson went all out with the decorations and music. Everyone had a great time and it was an experience I’ll never forget. If I become a teacher I hope I can have days like this in my classroom.

Blog #7

Read Alouds:

Malala Yousafzai’s Speech at U.N. by Malala Yousafzai- This was a very good speech. It was about the women that was shot in the head because she wanted to learn but she survived and now she is a speaker and a very famous one at that. It made me realize how lucky we are to have a public education system that is so good.

Motivational Poem by Unknown- This poem was kinda eye opening in regards to how important teaachers are. I dont think it could be used in any other class besides Teacher Cadet but it certainly was good for our class. Teachers do a lot of things that most students never even think about.

My Teacher’s Simple Three-word Phrase by Stephen Hopson- I enjoyed this read aloud because it was very sweet. It was about how something very little that a teacher could say to a student could make all the difference in the world when it comes to how successful that student would be.

You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be by Donna Levine- This poem was very good, it had a great message about follow your dreams and to do what you want and not what someone else may want for you to do. I would have used it in a high school setting because i felt a personal connection to it as it was being read and i think it is a great thing for all high schoolers to hear.

Corduroy by Don Freeman- This is one of my childhood favorite books that I would consider using in a classroom to teach a guidance lesson on friendship in an elementary school class. I would also use it as a writing lesson in a fifth or sixth grade class to have students write about their first friend. As a math lesson, I would use it to introduce a lesson on money in a first grade class.

Learning Experiences:

Over the weeks since our last blog we have been learning about Piaget, Kholburg, Vygotsky and Erikson. These four are psychologists that focus on child development and education of children. We split up into group and tough each other what each psychologists had found in their studies and how they were similar and how they varied. We also had a play day where we played with children toys and evaluated each of them and how good they would work for each age group.

Current Event:

In New York City after thousand of applicants to high schools were sent off to schools that have nothing going for them, three economists took matters into their own hands. While some middle school students were getting the best of the best education, others were given the bare minimum, and it was time for a change. Through a method called the deferred acceptance algorithm, the team used a game theory to match the eighth graders to high schools according to standards and other key features. To read more click here:

Quote Of The Week:

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~Albert Einstein

This quote is very good i think because he shows that there is more to school than just quiz and tests. It is the life skills and actually what we learn about learning and how we learn when we forget exactly what we learned in school and it was a good new way to look at it.


I was at a race on Saturday in North Carolina and it was just a friendly race that didn’t really matter, it was just a few friends of mine and at the end of the race someone that had been in front of me the entire time had fallen, giving me an opportunity to him and actually win the race but for some reason i felt wrong doing that so i stopped helped that person up and let him win the race he deserved to him and as we finished a lot of people were telling me that was very sweet and kind of me to do and it just made me feel good.


I have enjoyed the studying of the child development and i really enjoyed the thanksgiving break becasue it was a break from school and i am looking forward to Christmas break and i hope it doesn’t go as fast as thanksgiving did.

Blog #6

Read Alouds

1.  A Teacher For All Seasons by Joanna Fuchs is an inspirational poem regarding teachers. It stated that great teachers have a passion for caring and the well being of every student they teach.

2.  This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen is a short children’s book about a fish that steals another fish’s hat. This book could be used as an art lesson in drawing the hat or either of the fishes. Also a math lesson in that you can measure the diameter and do other math stuff with that also.

3.  Heart of a Teacher by Paula J. Fox is an inspirational piece that described a great teacher and how their passion for teaching is developed. Also talks about how having a student coming back to you many years after you taught them and saying how much you did for them is a feeling you can only get with teaching.

4.  If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Numeroff is a children s book about a mouse wanting a cookie that sets off his desire for more objects.  This book could be used to teach predictions for an English lesson and a science lesson on cause and effect. A math lesson could be taught from this book by making cookies and measuring the ingredients.

Learning Experiences

The past few weeks we have continued studying barriers of learning and we have been binding our barrier books. We also took a test where we had to listen to different songs and state the barrier described in each of the songs. We also went to the teaching center in the media center and saw what all was offered for teachers there. We used the laminating machine in there for our barrier books that we wrote and published.

Current Event

In Fort Worth, Texas, new studies are being conducted showing that playing high-action video games may speed up learning and reaction time, contrary to popular stereotype.  Other studies link extensive video game playing to attention-deficit and impulsiveness disorders, but Daphne Bavelier–the director of the Rochester Center for Brain Imaging–says that regular but not obsessive playing of action video games does not lower students’ ability to pay attention.  “Gamers really are better learners,” Ms. Bavelier said. “These people come to a task and very fast learn what are the task requirements, suppress any distractions, and focus on the task at hand. It’s not that they have better vision acuity; it’s that they learn to have better vision acuity.”  Studies also show that those who play action video games develop better attention and inhibitory control, allowing them to identify important information in distracting environments.

Quote of the Week

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. ~Bill Beattie. This quote is good because it is just very true and that sometimes the idea of education is lost and i think this is a good thing that makes you remember what it is about.


My baby cousin was telling me about a blind child that is in one of his classes and how the teacher has to do different things for him than she does for the rest of the class so it was cool to see a real life example of what we have been learning about in class.


I liked looking at the resources that teachers are given, it is cool to see what the teachers do behind the scenes that as normal students we would not normally see. I am excited to learn the child development states of children learning also.

Blog #5

Read Alouds

1.  How To Get Out of Your Own Way by Unknown was an inspirational poem that was about finding your purpose in life. This relates to us as seniors in a way that we too need to find what our purposes are. It says in the poem that you need to be what you want to be regardless of what other people have to say about it and that is something that everyone needs to know about their dreams.

2.  The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg  is about a boy who gets on a train Christmas eve and takes it to the North Pole where he gets to meet Santa and gets the first present of the Year. This book could be read to any Elementary children on the weeks leading up to Christmas break or even for a Christmas on the day before they leave for Christmas break. Another lesson would be with science about rain deer or maybe the north pole even.

3.  The Selfish Crocodile by Faustin Charles and Michael Terry is a book based on a Crocodile who rules over a pond and is extremely selfish and every other animal in that area is afraid of him but towards the end he realizes that he needs others in his life and he can not do everything on his own so he becomes friendly and is no longer a bully on the pond. Lessons of science, art and drama could all be used with this book.

4.  The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a book that i think everyone has heard. Im sure everyone mom read them this book when they were younger. But it is about a caterpillar and its’ life. Lessons of science, nutrition and math based on different parts of this book.

5.  I Resign by Unknown  was a poem about an adult that becomes a kid again at heart. A teacher of high school could read this to his or her kids who just need something to get their mind off things and appreciate the little things in life.

Learning Experiences

The past few weeks we have continued to learn about barriers to learning. I thought this is a very serious lesson but also very interesting to learn about. We read chapters of The Hurried Child and that was a very interesting read. Im looking forward to see everyone books that we are making.

Current Event

This article is about how the government is involved with the schools and the story between if they are actually harming the learning or if it is just something different and the controversy there.

Quote of the Week

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

This quote is related to what we have been learning about in class that about the barriers and the disabilities. It shows that even those who do not learn as fast as others are still learning and it is still just as important even if it isnt the same as everyone one else.


Through out the last few weeks there hasn’t been one specific time that i can write about just many different times of myself just growing as a person and understanding more of what is around me and just how these last few lessons have made me just more open and have been able to understand a lot more of what some people go through and just how lucky we are.


These past few weeks have changed my outlook on many things that i didnt think about in the past and has opened my mind to many things that i didnt think about it. I have really enjoyed the lessons and i hope they continue to be what they are today.

Blog #4


Whose Child Is This? by Unknown

This book was a motivational book that was very heartfelt also. I liked how this added on to what we were learning in class that day. Also this book could be used for parents to read to their children or maybe for a teacher for younger children to just start off the day on a good note.

It Matters To This One by Unknown

This was a different type of read aloud because it was about disabilities but it shed light on an inspirational side of disabilities. I could be used for rhythmic lessons or motivational speeches.

The Berenstein Bears Go Back To School by Stron & Janin Berenstein

This book was about young bears when they went back to school and what they did there and what they enjoyed. The lessons that this book could be used for are ELA and science lessons with lessons about bears, and it is also a good first day of school book.

Little Miss Spider by David Kirk

This book was about a spider and what the spider learns from different things in the story. This book could be used for lessons in ELA also lessons and lessons about the environment. Also this could be used for reading before a group activity and how people need to work together.

We Learned It All In Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum

This was a very inspirational book and probably my favorite from the past few weeks. It first stood out to me because of the title and i thought there is no way that the title is true but the author proved that it is. It could obviously be used as a motivational work or a good thing to read to students that want to become teachers.

Learning Experiences:

The past few weeks we have been learning about disabilities and last class we started learning about “barriers” from learning and what identifiers of each barrier is and how they effect the way each student learns. It sorta surprised me that there were so many barriers that didn’t have laws that apply for them like the disabilities had. It was motivational to watch the videos of the families coming together around a child with a autism and how it effected each family member differently.

Current Event: 

This news story is about how public schools in long island are now forced to teach immigrants. I think this is a good idea for everyone to be educated that is in our country.

Quote of the Week: 

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi

This is a powerful quote because it puts emphasis on the value of learning compared to such a powerful thing like life and it shows how important learning is.


When i was at the flag football game for my cousin, my aunt was telling me about how the coach of the team had a kid that has autism and that he comes to every game so i decided to go and talk with him because he is about the same age as me and i just wanted to experience this first hand.


I have really enjoyed the past few weeks as i always do in this class. But this week was special because of what we have been learning and how powerful those lessons are.